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The indie horror magazine that's taking the world by storm is now available in PRINT! Yes, you can hold us in the palm of your hands now, take us in the bathroom with you, take us to bed or anywhere else your little heart desires! Just click on the button below to go to the magazine page, scroll to find the issue you want and click on the PayPal button to bring us home! YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT!

You wanna help rep the Indie Horror Junkie? Then pick up one of these awesome Indie Horror Junkie Tumblers! These 20 ounce stainless steel tumblers will be sure to get attention anywhere you go. Take a picture of it in a...unique and attention getting place or with a horror icon and send it to us and we'll feature the pic on our web site and maybe even in the magazine!
Get yours today for $30 shipped and out the door!
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The Nightmare Collection Volume II on VHS. A Limited Collector's Item. Enjoy the full feature length version of the horror anthology which sees the return of Necro Nancy (Krista Grotte Saxon) as she rises from the grave to teach a lesson to a couple of delinquents who break into a video store on Halloween night.
The feature includes the main story wrap around which also features the talents of Legendary Scream Queen Brinke Stevens and the Hardest working Main in Indie film, Joel D. Wynkoop.
Four terrifying short films make up the wrap around including, Filthy by Writer/Director Andy Lalino and Mirror Mirror a Tale of Blood, God Help Us and the Foretelling by Writer/Director Rick Danford.
Get yours today for $40 shipped and out the door!
PayPal the funds along with your name and address to: